Welcome to the Dollhouse, where everyone has a story to tell!
All the characters you will find here are written and drawn by me. This page will be a constant work in progress, since as of today I have more than 150 Original Characters to share with the world. You will find the characters grouped into their respective worlds, where you will also be able to learn more about their story.
Here I will also be posting my available adoptables, which you are able to purchase by sending me an email or bidding on their deviantart pages.
[Please, do not use any characters without my permission, original characters and adoptables all belong to me and only me unless I give explicit permission for someone to use them on their own work. You are of course allowed to draw the characters (and that would be very sweet to be honest!) as long as you cite me as the designer when you share the artwork. I put a lot of work and love into my characters, their stories and the worldbuilding, it would break my heart to see someone rip that off as if it didn't mean anything. If you wish to use any of my creations in any way, you can of course contact me to talk about it. Thank you.]